Kuchengeta Chikomba 1

Kuchengeta Chikomba 1

"Ku varsity unoita mabhebhi eku chooser akawandisa" that's what ana blaz would always tell me. But they left out the part yekuti vasikana vacho are savage, vanodzondora mwoyo.

My first year in college wasn't all rosy and its because of this girl, Caroline. Light skinned, good looking, petite. Mwana iyeye anga ari mbama yekuseri kweruoko.

I made my moves first week re orientation ndichinomuona everyday ndichipa attention chi chi. I remember that weekend handina kutoenda kubhawa nana boiz ndichiti Caroline anozosara nani. Ndaimuda zvine dzungu mukati zviya. 

Fortunately akadyira and we dated paye. Ndaka feeler success gents handidi kunyepa. Boiz richiuya kuzotora ma notes cause ipapo ndanda simudza someone who was way out out of my league. She was sweet & aisazviratidza kuti anonyara nekuva broke kwangu, aitodadawo neni. Dzimwe nguva.

Anyways, ini ndaigara off campus iye achigara pa campus so i would bring her cooked food from home. Ndaito bika ndichi shandisa mayoutube tutorials ndichida kufadza bhebhi wandaida zve ne mwoyo wese. And iye would always tell me ndogona kubika achitondiudzawo amwe recipe netumwe tweku wedzera. 

So this other day ndakamugadzirira Mac and cheese ndakamupa makuseni and i went kuma boys hostels kuno tamba fifa with some guys vanga ndaonawo mu mass lecture. Ndakasvika ku room kwe boys ndikaona the exact lunch box yandamupira food iriko. In my mind ndakangoti pamwe kufanana. But the contents futi angabva afanana? To be safe i assumed kuti its just a coincidence cause baby wangu aive loyal zvekudaro.

Tatamba FIFA paye ndikunzwa dude vachiti "haa mwana uyu anondiitira gents. Anogara pano pacampus & she goes off campus everyday to prepare food for me chete".. and the whole gang started talking about how she loves the dude nekuti anoita zvese chi chi. Ini ne curiousity ndakubvunza kuti ndiyani bhebhi wacho kwakunzi Caroline we Hospitality. Munhu wandaiti munhu wangu for two months.

Its at that moment i realized that all along i been cooking for another dude iye Caroline achinyepa kuti she likes my food. I'm talking two months dze effort ndichiitwa chef weimwe mikono. Ndakaita hasha but since tiripavamwe varume i didnt show it.

After her lecture akatouya kuroom kwemu face uya kuzo collecter lunch. She didnt enter the room. But i overheard them talking achinzi tomorrow amugadzirire spaghetti chi chi iye Caroline achitoti she cooked the food with love. Love pafood yangu manje nxii. And 30 minutes later she texted me "huya utore lunch, the food was great. Tomorrow ugadzire spaghetti and potatoes" 

I swear Caroline i will never forgive you for this hangu. Kubikira mumwe murume here?

To Be Continued