Tambirai Otambiswa Part 1

Tambirai Otambiswa Part 1


Takaseka Holy paakati paUz pane makomba. But haana kureva nhema. Kungoti context matters. Nhasi nyaya iripo ipfupi pfupi. Tombokuratidzai audacity ine vanin'ina vaEve. Kuita kudrippa entitlement. Tambirai's day started like any other. Akadzipwa nemaAssignment musharukwa. But a simple text redirected his stress the entire day. 


Early morning mukomana woke up to a message from a Maita from UZ. Vaisadzidza vese but vakambosangana havo muzviround zveUZ. Maita was requesting Tambi kuti amutengeroo lunch. Hameno kuti as a way to catch up here or she wanted to make her move kana anga anenzara akaone kuti chiso chaTambi chaive chemunhu anodyika. 


Unknown to Tambirai was the nepherious scheme Maita had hatched up. Check up on your friend paUZ, vane nzara vanhu ava. Morning haina kunonoka kusvika. Matwo minutes mukomana wore his duripi and set destination UZ. Since angaakumbirwa lunch, and aripart of the Zimbabwean community by birth, living and kutsemuka kwehomwe. But seghetto youth hussle is a part of our life. Akangonhonga chikwama chake, akabuda. And semunhu who knew how to budget(a true mark of a Zimbabwean) muchikwama manga mune mari yeLunch for the last two days of that week. It was a Thursday zviya. So anga atorova maths. Lunch ipondo. Mangwana Friday half day. Aisazodya pacampus, aizotsenga chimunya paden adzokera. 


Maita semunhu who had requested lunch havana kuisa pressure. She texted here and there just to confirm meet up location netime. 

Lunch yakasvika. Maita was nowhere to be seen paArea. Tambi akafona, madam vakati vari held up mutraffic muma halls emu block make. When she eventually made it out, nguva dzadzabaya. Tambi had another lecture to attend nezvimweo. So he then had to make use of resources. And angaaripa ground vanga vari mukoma Bhonzo. Madam vakasvika paground akasangana naTambi naBhonzo paye, Eventually!


Tambirai then explained kuti sis was going to have to go to lunch naBhonzo, who had been given mari  yeka small lunch (batisisai ipapo). Bhonzo then drove sisi and a couple of other humans out to Bon Marché.  Vamwe pavakapinda muSupermarket kunotengao burger necascade sevana vechikoro, signal yekumusha kwaMaita yakabata. Iye uyo shoes! Shot left into pizza Inn. 

Again I'll say this to you. Check up on your university friends. Vane, maya tine nzara isu! Sisi vakabva vaOrder XL pizza Hawaiian futi. It's a Thursday futi. Kana nyadzi. 


"Eish, ai, cut. Producer! I can't do this anymore!"


Uyo mwana wevhu kukandira Tambirai runhare. 

Maita: "Tambi. You didn't give Bhonzo enough money for pizza, bill riripa $x USD"  

Tambi : watiiii???

Maita : i said the bill is iyexi yuwesi dhoranzi!

Tambi : kowazosvika kuPizza nguvai futi????

(Network yepo... "titi titi)

Maita : airtime yakupera. But ndakwereta mari yacho kubva kune shamwari yangu wozondipa ndidzosere!

Phone cuts. 


Tambirai sighs, "mxm marete!"