Why Jethro ane beef na Voltz JT?

Why Jethro ane beef na Voltz JT?

Hakasi kekutanga mukomana achinetsana nevanhu. Gore rabva iri akambotaura mamwe mashoko achiti haaskuda zvekujairirwa nevanhu. Hanzi "people disrespect me because ndoparidza chokwadi chavasingade kunzwa ma accounts akaita sana Vigie, 6ix, MakdShelby, Controlla, Shona-Man ahwadi kurinzwa shoko iroro saka zvinovabata bata." Mukomana wacho haana kana kuhwanda akabva ataura mazita. Achiti akuda kuvapedzera one by one.

Handisati ndamboona Jethro achitaura zvinhu zvakanaka pamusoro pa Voltz JT.  Pese anenge achingomu bhomba ha ha. Zvekutoti ndine dzimwe pfungwa dzekuti pamwe vakatorerana mabhebhi ndosaka pane beef. Musiwa 13 Mbudzi Jethro akamhoresa Voltz JT akapihwa reply yekunzi Get Out. Kuratidza kuti hazvina kumira mushe. Voltz anga atozviona kuti mukomana arova ka fake greetings.

So nhasi ndazongoti regai ndibate Jethro ndinyatsonzwisise kuti why ane beef na Voltz JT.

Although I don't detest Voltz, he is by no means the greatest rapper in Zimbabwe. That's where I draw the line when people tell me Voltz is a goat. Voltz is humble, but he's far from talented. People should learn to distinguish between the two.

As far as I'm concerned, Voltz JT only has one hit "Shamwari Yangu" and his rap on the fire emoji and the other songs are all needless hype. However, he has potential. - Jethro

Mazvinzwira kaa ndichazobata Voltz ndonzwa side rake.