How I Lost the 'Perfect' Woman (Complete)

How I Lost the 'Perfect' Woman (Complete)

This lady is 5’2 and precious in every aspect. Tsvarakadenga yakagadzikwa muruoko rwangu naMwari. I met this girl by chance, if it had worked out it would probably have become a beauty and the beast repraise, because kusada kunyepa musikana uyu akanaka papfungwa nepamuviri. I don’t remember how I started talking to her. It was during ma21 days eboredom first lockdown paye. 

Just before mukomana started going up and down Zimbabwe kunge chitima (nyatso pabatai ipapo). So you know how getting to know each other goes, texts turn into calls. A friendship forming becomes a talking stage quite quick but we managed to avoid this. I’m all for emotional availability, or so I think personally. So I wasn’t ready to talk to her on that level. I was also talking to someone on that level so emotionally the boy was already full booked. 

Nyaya yanhasi is just detailing how a friendship turned to a talking stage. Topedzisa nyaya mupart two, ndokana maratings aribho futi. Ndokunyimai nyaya yacho makauya muri 5. Saka tidzokere mujigizi renyaya. I was talking to this other girl when I met her. Tomuti Chenai (the girl I was already talking to) and the one I lost tomuti Kudi (ndaimuda hangu, probably still do hameno). So I was talking to Chenai through the first 13 of the 21 days zvinhu zvichitofaya.

Masweet nothing were said and we had a mutual understanding. I’d be on 3hour phone calls naCheche paye ndiri on data futi. Ndandapinda hangu nemakumbo. I don’t think ndanda perera hangu. Day 14/21 yakati yasvika so. I remember this day vividly because I had an especially tiring day ndichisakura mugarden. Haaa ma21 days pakashandiswa binya paden! Takaita malandscape artist. Chakashota mapaper chete but tinosorta. Saka mukomana manheru akatiageza akati rega ambopinda pama sai sai uyo pfee so.

Cheche texted to tell me kuti heee I miss talking to you and I told her to call, pasina maseconds phone yakapinda mukomana akazhinya last. We had a 6 hour call and ndakatorara ndakarota dream ine sound paye. I woke up 2 hours later ndakananga kunodiridza maveggie angu mugarden and texted Chenai. One tick and since it was early morning I didn’t think much of it. Ndakatoswerera ndichito rova advanced landscaping hangu easy. 3pm mukomana akatarisa phone pfungwa dzangu dzakabvuma kushanda dzakabatanidza one na one and I realized kuti ndandaku blockville. 

Unoita kunge unegodo resalt pahuro apo. Ndakatoswera panze ndichimwa mvura yepa tap hangu ndichifunga kuti maybe iprank. Manheru came and went and I convinced myself kuti anenge akuita prank. So I bought airtime ndakachaya runare. Mukadzi we”This number is not taking calls at the moment” aitakunge akuwedzera salt mukamwa. Hezvo ndodi hangu mwana wemunhu. Day one went past handina wandakaudza, day two ne three same same.

 Day 4 ndakati haa since ndatsemurwa moyo rega ndisvike pama grosa ndinotenga kapizza ndidye nevapfana vangu hangu nana momz. Ndakarova mota easy easy ndakasvika bho, 3mins drive iyo ndasvika ndatenga pogos apo. Mukomana akamirira kunzi yaita ndinoseva pizza kumba so. Uyu hake mwana waDiabros pfeee paPogos. Apa ndandaka gara paDoor. Unenge wambofunga kuti maybe wamedza salt yese but yakadzoka. I had many options but I chose kuita cool guy and I didn’t even approach her. 

The 3mins drive home felt like it was 30. My mind was running mapossible outcome if I had confronted her and zvaisapera mushe. In every situation. I got home and decided not to think about Chenai until a couple of hours later, I was unblocked and pakauya a 24second voicenote achitaura hake nyobvo until 17 seconds in and sisi vakati rega ndimupe emotional damage. “You didn’t do anything wrong Ropa, it’s just that God said no”. ahhh

Ndakagara mudish ipapo and sent it to a few of my friends ndichitsvaga comforting. Boys rakandifara, it was not an easy night that one. Worse futi ndandadya pizza zuva racho. Amana! That same evening Kudi was bored and I had had enough of gen’a rangu so I proposed to call her. Hazvina kumbotora maminutes, the answer was yes. Ndangandisina ma intention ekunyenga. I am being as honest as can be. What happened on that 3hour call sparked an engine dying from lack of love, and so begins the story of how I lost the piece at the time that complimented my growth best. 

End of part 1

Semunhu asingade kurebesa nyaya, rega ndingoti ga ga. From heartbreak to butterflies. Mmmhhhh panga pakaipa. Semunhu anga abva kuudzwa kuti “God said no” a couple of hours ago. It really seemed that he had protected me from Chenai because Kudi was a far better match. She wasn’t looking for love, I wasn’t too. 3 hours on the phone with her both changed our positions on the matter. Rakaedza Chenai atobviswa paChair pakapinda Kudi. Ndanga ndamborova matheory hobho so on what went wrong with Chenai and I had become convinced kuti mwana wadhiyabros akaona senge nyaya dzanga dzapera.

3 hours later, vana vedu vanga vane mazita, takanga tane dream house nezvimwewo. I had started to write my wedding vows even because I then knew, if It wasn’t her. Whoever I was going to talk to next on a romantic level had a mammoth task. After the call I sat pacorner pemubhedha wangu and pep talked myself. Rasta mabva kubvarurwa moyo nemumwe munhu makupa moyo wenyu kune mumwe munhu. Kana simendi yacho inenge isati yaoma. Izwi rake was silk to my ears. The conversation chete fueled my ambition. Ndandawana munhu who I had more than just a mutual understanding naye. Takatowirirana, semukomana wepa jecha kuti sometimes mafunds nemashoko anogona kupostana asi rudo rizere.

Handione ndataura maspecifics kuti takataura nezvei pacall ipapo but handina kurwadziwa nemashandiro akaita data rangu hangu. We started talking every day, exchanged matwitter handle. She’d be the first person I’d tag timeline payaibeuka. Not that nyaya taisina asi chakafukidza dzimba matenga, chakasimbisa rudo makuhwa. Taitokutaurai mese. Ma21 days akapera mukomana arimurudo dhemiti. Kutokanganwa kuti I had been chucked to the side just a week and a couple of days ago.

God did say no in retrospect. I will try to not sound bitter because her rejecting me made me find gold. Mwari vakabvisa chidzoyi vakaisa tsvarakadenga. Early on in the talking stage naKudi ndakapihwa one rule. It was very simple, communicate. Taura kuti ukuswera uchiitei, ukubatika nguvai etc. She wasn’t a jealous girl hake. She made no fuss about my friends because ndanda believisa mwana kuti usatye iwewe. Inini ndanda bilivao kuti mwana anga ari ndandi mboma.

Takapinda muma two weeks and basa rakatanga. Ndairova hangu ma up and down munyika sadelivery man. I’d be driving all day, wosvika kumba kana kubasa munhu wakaneta kunge bhachi repa dub. Still I had energy to talk to the Ms. Ava ndandaona ndavaita Mrs. In the space of a month, sevanhu vaigara same areas and inini semunhu aiva nemapepa saessential worker ndaitoenda kunomuona. She was an essential service kuneni futi. Nyaya dzaiti dzatanga kutsva, ndaitonetsekana kuenda kumba. Iyo one month yakabva yadonha into place semafunnies. Same time basa kupurazi richiwanda. I had kept up with communication quite well and was managing zvine musoro.

Ndakaita loverboy zvemashuwa and I was preparing to ask munhu kuti aite girlfriend zviri official. I had planned kusvitsa shoko on a Thursday, and I was ready. MaChocolate ndandatenga ndakamashafa paseri pechidhinha chepamubhedha so. Kwekutenga maruva ndandatone address. Mari iyi ndandapedzao two weeks ndichibudgeta fuel. Kufamba iri muneutral ndandato mugwara rana “I know my car”, only fueling up when necessary. I’d skip buying lunch whenever I had long distance journeys mari yakakwana. Week rakatobvuma kufambirana neni Monday Tuesday zvakamhanyirana naUsian Bolt. Takati tasvika paWednesday, satan network yakabata. Ndopanotangira sarurongano rwekurambwa naKudi.

The bwu-tut du-yaisi hazi connekited du successfully. Uyu diabros kutanga kukandana zvipanera muhupenyu hwangu. Curfew was still very much in effect, chero netsamba dzangu dzekumunda nekubasa zvaitonetsa kufamba still. Ndaka kandirwa runhare namdara kuzvi 3pm zvichinzi kupurazi kwaita emergency. Ndakatomhanya  kunoendesa mushonga. I got there and we administered the medication kunemombe yanga yarwara. By the time tapedza It was already too late for me to be able to make it home in time.

Zvisinei futi phone yangu yanga isina moto. I had told her I was going to the farm hangu, I didn’t communicate kuti it’s an emergency and handina kumupa possible return date. Bravo 6 vakaenda dark pamasai sai. Early morning I got a call from kumba nematask andaifanira kuita kufarm. I didn’t have data saka whatsapp wise bravo vakaramba vari chipoko. I tried calling her and her phone wasn’t going through. Thursday iya yakatanga nekupeperera kumunda. Friday ndakadzokakubasa. 

Ndikasvikowana pane detembo ndichitsuurwa kuti you didn’t communicate and I was on thin ice. She liked me but she wasn’t playing games neComz. I explained nyaya yangu and it was brushed under the rug. Saturday morning takadzokera kumunda, this time ndandatotaura kuti I’ll be back manheru kumba. Sezvinei murphy’s law took full effect. To cut it short, I was there till Monday morning. I came back kumba to a fuming angel. I had a story but she wasn’t hearing it. Ndakanzi ndipe space. It wasn’t a request. Aitondiudza!

I gave her space, I apologized even. Machocolate eplease be my girlfriend had a new purpose. Please forgive me. But for that to work, she had to agree to see me. You know I then realized the most important lesson in courtship. I had been told but I hadn’t paid attention. The board members in her life didn’t like me already. I wasn’t going to win easily but ndakaramba kudyiwao easily. She left…

End of Part 2

So to pick off where we left of. Ndandarambwa paye. The board had spoken, the gate was shut and ndandisina makey. Gaya ndandarowa hwekwa Silent Killer, ndalocker mastreets ndabva ndarasa hangu maKey. You know when wakapeperera pamunhu zvonetsa kumedza defeat. So I decided to apply pressure. Apa ndiri pavanhu vanoti pressure ndeye maTyres but the boy was ready to put in the work. I told my boss at the time who was my dad kuti ndandarohwa neFatigue so I needed some time off. Initially ndakati two days. Ndichiti I win her back on day one. Day two I spoil and pamper her. 

Day one; I wanted to go see  her. She hadn’t blocked me kunge Chenai(I was however part of team not saved). So I was confident hangu kuti just maybe. I called her In the morning and I stated my intentions and made it clear I wanted to see her. She flat out told me no. But I was ready to put in the work. Saka ndakanyengerera munhu akabvuma in the end. Rurimi huchi could have been my nickname after that interaction. I made her believe, and I wasn’t lying. She agreed to meet me. The location was her hairdressers. Independent woman what what akaramba kuti ndimubhadharire. I was prepared honestly. I needed her in my life because she made me happy. The time we were supposed to meet, I cleaned up nice and didn’t eat on my way out. Ndakatsika mota to the specified shopping centre and texted her kuti I’m outside. She texted back and told me to wait a bit. Dai ndakaenda change kumba in retrospect. 

Mafriends enyu mabhebhi I’m convinced vanopihwa mhiripiri kuti vasiye mukaka. Because yah hah, neh! Mmmmhhh kuita kunge vakaveserwa moto mubhrugwa hutsi kubuda mukamwa. To this day. That has been the most difficult non racist situation I had to diffuse. Vakabuda vari two havo vachibamba kunge mota dzana tupac dziya. Apa vakafinyama kumeso kunge front yeBMW. 

That was worrying but ndakati gafa igafa and ndangandichavaratidza calmness yemuGhetto yut ari murudo. I stayed calm hangu as they walked towards me. I knew hangu nekushatirwa kwavanga vaita panga pasina hesi ichabuda so pavakatanga kuhwereketa kunge chimudhudhudhu. Haa ndiri gafa. I listened to them shout at me ndakadya easy kunge imbwa yemuvet. But come to think of it. Ndakapopoterwa level rekuita kunge ndahura. 

Inini ndangobatikana nemagraft. But i did listen to her friends and concluded kuti vakamborumwa nembwa ine rabbis and havana kupedza course yemushonga. Vapedza kutaura paye. Ndakangoti sorry kune maboard members paye. (Although one of them anenge akanga akatsamwa kuti i liked her friend and not her "i think hangu"). They seemed to calm down after my apology. Ndakavatova necomposure yembavha yekuEpworth inokubatidzira light kuti uende kunoita weti zvakanaka iyo ichiba hayo. 

I then called her, and she told me to come in. Ana kutu vakanzi chill outside. Ini uyo musaloon nema chocolates. In my mind i had won the major battle. Nyambe ndaideala nebura, nedamba haro. Imagine ndamukwatisa nerudo akaramba ari (nyemba isingaibve). So i said my piece. Wangu ndokuda hangu and I came there to apologise. I told her everything. From me preparing to ask her out, to mabasa adiabrosi to twumbwa twake turi rude twasara muzuva ndapinda. I thought things were going well. Iyo confidence yangu kukwira kunge yaPassion Java alas chipinge yangaisina kana network. Unoita kunge uchamedza danda. 

Kudi then spoke, "wangu i forgive you,,..". Then and there ndakabva ndadira fast setting concrete ndichiti madhiri sorted. Abva ati but, " but I can't see us going further." She made it clear kuti ndisiyane naye. I was hurt. But ndakaramba kupera power kunge surf ye boom ndakatobvunza kuti "why, howfar?" She then explained kuti panana brijoe vanga vari outside vakaita search yavo and concluded kuti ndangandiri a bad influence on her. Kana uri board member remulife memumwe munhu please let those people make their own decisions because chigumbu hangu nanhasi chiripo. I don't want to wish them any bad luck but makamboita goitre zviriko futi. 

She handed me back my chocolates. MaHairdresser akada kutanga kuseka. But ndakazviona so i excused myself and left. Chero munhu ane breaking point. Ndakasvika kumota anana kutu vachiseka. I chose to be as diplomatic as Chris Dombo paakarohwa mbama naWiri. I put my pride aside ndakabva pacomplex. Thus ends how I lost her. She didn't make an appearance in my life again until months later. But that’s a story for another day.