Tambirai Otambiswa part 2

Tambirai Otambiswa part 2

So to recap. Maita anga ararama Henny life aripa freezit budget yaTambi. (Disclaimer. Tambi is not struggling by any means). Munhu anotohusslao kunge Agape. But unlike Agape. Tambi haavhare barber zverudo. 

Phone yanga yapera airtime paye. Maita anga atumirwao airtime ye30 RTGS.  Tambi main actor vanga vatotorerwa role nekuda kweDrama rekwa Maita. From Pie to pizza. The genesis of a slay queen. Kuita kunge Ghetto to Sabhabha chaiko. So Tambirai bamboozled by the sheer liver yaMaita anga akatomira achitocomtemplata way forward. But before he could speak, phone imwe yakapinda. New number, mujaya akadaira runhare paye. 

Madam slay vanga vatofona vachidakupa update kuna Tambi. "Nhingi is going to look for you, womupa mari yacho. Bye. Inini ndakuenda kweFriend yangu." Sisi then dropped the phone. 
Never had Tambi seen munhu ane hunhu hwe munhu akareerwa muchemba kudaro, asi chiso nebody yakakanikwa kuZIMOCO chaiko. Unenge wakuda kunyatsoona kuti where, how and when did you give an opportunity for munhu akadai to get close to you in the first place. It was in the way she spoke. In the way she carried herself.

PMukomana akazoona kuti rudo rwangarwamuita bhofu. He didn't want to date her. But she was an option. Saka zvima quality zvake zvekusango had never registered into his head. But ungadi. You live and you learn. Now owing someone money for dhiri raanga asina kumbo vhizha. Panga pachida plan. 

Semunyori, akunyora about someone, haudi kuzvipa role. But this is the story as it happened. Saka ndoCameo yaMain actor asiri actor mufirimu redu iri. 

Tambi needed a way forward. Vakambofunga, kukendenga. Light bulb in his head. "Maya, ndina rasta vema plan ka inini". Havana kunonoka. Tambi called me. Explained his story in full detail. Ndakatombomuseka. But my advice was short and precise kunge ma instructions aAncelotti. "Rasta gap riripo apa kumbo tamba tembo run kusvika rasta vaenda kunopihwa bag ravo neava kwereta". 
Plan bho and in motion. 

Sezvo yanga iri Thursday futi, Friday Tambi had one morning lecture before marounds ekutsvaga bag. Next week anga ari kufield saka idzo enough days dzekuti muGhetto yut agare asipo paMap. 

After lecture, Tambi akangorova quick escape pama gedhi eUZ akananga hake Greystone, kumba kwevabereki sezvo zveRes wasn't his forté. NeDrama dzanga dzarohwa. He updated magita, takamboseka. Ndokupera kweZuva rake ikoko. 
Friday brought a whole new dynamic. ZveMari aside. The boy found bhebhi bho. And it's a story I can't wait to tell.