Elder Matadzakuguta 4

Elder Matadzakuguta 4

Kungobvisa nyadzi hangu. But neruregerero vanhu vashe nekusakunyorerai. Mentau heuthi and sofothi amana. Phone yakafa and ndikuona screen yepepuu. My phone is in the bottom barrels. 

Mufaro kwamuri mese. I think it's best mambodzokera  ku parts one to 4 yacho ino. Mozoverenga. It's been over two months since i last published the adventures of elder Matadzakuguta. 

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The day was bhuza Friday. MaShooters tatapolisha kudhara. Takaenda takaenda. We were fully expecting to see Sister Nunudzaishe naElder. But it was all hezvoness tasvika paGround. We got there game risati ratanga. We were early because nyaya yaElder tanga toda kuinzwa makumbo asati opisa nekumhanyirana nemadhara aya. 

We parked paSpot that we parked last time. It later became our usual parking spot kubhuza. Only to be greeted by an all so familiar face. Bev!
According to elder, his engagements wouldn't go past a week. Saka sistren iyi yaitsvagei pano? Elder kuti havana kunakirwana naNunu zvekunodeva Bev futi?

Mathematics dzacho according to naDaily devotional from elder dzadzisikunyatso mathmetika!.We both greeted her. Came out of the car and started changing into sportswear yedu hedu. Tapedza kuchinja. Takambo stunta mumota. Trying to piece out this equation. Before tatakurana neMaths problem yacho kune mudzidzisi Elder. 

We began coming up with permutations. Circumstances on why Bev would be here. We were in the car for about 5mins tichiitisana nharo before we got surprise of the day #2. Yah hupenyu mutoro Zhakata akadetemba. 

Unoti hezvoooooo, hezvoooooo. Hezvoness. But unotozviitira mumoyo. NdiSister Nunu havo. The maths became harder. Kuita kunge mechanics dzemu part 4 civil engineering. Unobata paFloor chaipo. The situation was getting worser and worser. We greeted our sister in Christ. She looked quite calm, judging from the  way she was behaving, she knew she could trust us. 

After a quick "yangairisei week" conversation that we damn well knew we were going to repeat kuYouth on Sunday. She walked. Our eyes didn't focus much on her. We were ready to challenge the world's greatest mathmeticians before accepting defeat. Soooooo mannnyyyy possible scenarios. After a further 10mins of argument and deep thoughts and reflections. We decided to go get the straight from the source himself. Elder veVanhu. 
Say it with me. 
Elder, Matadzakuguta!


So i need feedback to better myself as a writer. Good, bad all of it. My twitter page is @ropa_t_chimmz. Please feel free to DM me your thoughts on the stories.