Friday Night out with Susan

Friday Night out with Susan

So prior to that day, every time I would see Susan ndaingomunzvenga so. In fact, ndakatomborovera pa handle ye door ndichizama kumunzvenga. 

Susan was a 3rd year Social Work student at the University of Zimbabwe. I met her when I was doing rimwe article which required the voice of a social worker. She was tight &  beautiful anga akapenga mwana iyeye ndaingoti ndikamuona so ndaidonha rutwe.

So rimwe day so, iri Friday, ndakabva ku office kwaMasuku(imwe friend yangu so) but I couldn't find him, ndakufamba kuenda kuCar Park I noticed that Suzi had commented on my WhatsApp status; by then ndanga ndaane ka idea kuti she might have been into me. 

I arrived home, ndichibva ndarova sadza nemadora anga asara the previous night. Madora ndomadira kuti they taste originally, unonyatsonzwa kuti apa ndarova jembi. 

I responded to Suzi's reply on my status with a voice note, achibva apindurawo ne voice note. 

I just guessed by the sound of her voice kuti she wasn't okay, which turned out to be true. Remember, ndati I just guessed. 

"What's wrong ma?," I asked via another voice note. 

"Im having problems with heart burn, for the past three days," she responded, to which I asked: "Did you see a doctor?"

"Nah I haven't and im not planning to as well, its just heart burn,  come on."

I went into my bedroom and discovered handina kana 1 hembe yakachena expect for imwe shirt ye purple so, but I just couldnt go out on a Friday night to see a woman in the evening for that matter, wearing formal. 

I discovered that my golf shirt ye blue was clean, ndichibva ndangopukuta pukuta ma black adidas kicks. 

I knew that Suzi would love to see me, but I politely asked her to do so regardless. 

"As long as you are not taking me to the doctor,"  she responded in a cosy way, ndikati come inini! 

I took my Gaviscon (the syrup I use for acids inoshanda futi heartburn) ndichibva ndabuda headed for UZ; it was around 18:12 then. 

I posted pa group pana boys kuti what can I buy her, as in fruit or juice. Makava akutotanga kuwanza hanzi mutengere sadza ne nyevhe, mxm! 

I got pagedhi repa UZ ndichibva ndapinda mufence muye, ndobva ndapinzira mwana mvoda. 

Ndakamira ndokumira zve! Angauye! Mutemo wangu ndekwekuti handimiswe nemuskana for 20 minutes, but ipapo dzakadarika, ndobva ndati ndakubaya. 

Ndichingobuda, ndisati ndafamba 200 metres, mwana ndobva afona, zvikanzi ndasvika. Ndakarova emergency brake rekuti kana vanhu vekuToyota vakagadzira mota dai vakarinzwa vaigona kufonera mapurisa. 

I told her the truth kuti ndanga ndaenda but I was now coming back, kutira kuti next time asandimise. 

Wangu ndakati ndichingopinda pagedhi ndobva ndaona kuti eeh pakaipa. She was putting on a very short skirt, silky top and some white reebok kicks. Ndakamboda kuflasher ma lights kuti ndinyatsoona, ndikati maya, hakusi kwaBuchu ka kunoku. 

Ndakamboda kurova madhanzi ekwa Taso ePansula aye but ndakazvibata, kept my cool and just said "Hi."

"Hey, Im sorry for keeping you waiting, my roommate is an annoying," she said  achivhura window. 

"Its ayt, if it is her annoyance which made you look like this on a Friday evening then well, I love her annoyance. Anyway, I brought you some heartburn med, since you dont wanna go see the doctor."

"Oww thank you, you shouldn't have," she said, with a glancing smile on her face. 

I think ipapo ndopakachinja perception yangu about her. So handina kumutengera anything coz I wanted to ask her kuti ndinomubikira something kuden or order something then go eat at my place but at the same time, I didn't want to appear so obvious. 

To be continued