How I lost the perfect woman part 2

How I lost the perfect woman part 2

Semunhu asingade kurebesa nyaya, rega ndingoti ga ga. From heartbreak to butterflies. Mmmhhhh panga pakaipa. Semunhu anga abva kuudzwa kuti “God said no” a couple of hours ago. It really seemed that he had protected me from Chenai because Kudi was a far better match. She wasn’t looking for love, I wasn’t too. 3 hours on the phone with her both changed our positions on the matter. Rakaedza Chenai atobviswa paChair pakapinda Kudi. Ndanga ndamborova matheory hobho so on what went wrong with Chenai and I had become convinced kuti mwana wadhiyabros akaona senge nyaya dzanga dzapera.

3 hours later, vana vedu vanga vane mazita, takanga tane dream house nezvimwewo. I had started to write my wedding vows even because I then knew, if It wasn’t her. Whoever I was going to talk to next on a romantic level had a mammoth task. After the call I sat pacorner pemubhedha wangu and pep talked myself. Rasta mabva kubvarurwa moyo nemumwe munhu makupa moyo wenyu kune mumwe munhu. Kana simendi yacho inenge isati yaoma. Izwi rake was silk to my ears. The conversation chete fueled my ambition. Ndandawana munhu who I had more than just a mutual understanding naye. Takatowirirana, semukomana wepa jecha kuti sometimes mafunds nemashoko anogona kupostana asi rudo rizere.

Handione ndataura maspecifics kuti takataura nezvei pacall ipapo but handina kurwadziwa nemashandiro akaita data rangu hangu. We started talking every day, exchanged matwitter handle. She’d be the first person I’d tag timeline payaibeuka. Not that nyaya taisina asi chakafukidza dzimba matenga, chakasimbisa rudo makuhwa. Taitokutaurai mese. Ma21 days akapera mukomana arimurudo dhemiti. Kutokanganwa kuti I had been chucked to the side just a week and a couple of days ago.

God did say no in retrospect. I will try to not sound bitter because her rejecting me made me find gold. Mwari vakabvisa chidzoyi vakaisa tsvarakadenga. Early on in the talking stage naKudi ndakapihwa one rule. It was very simple, communicate. Taura kuti ukuswera uchiitei, ukubatika nguvai etc. She wasn’t a jealous girl hake. She made no fuss about my friends because ndanda believisa mwana kuti usatye iwewe. Inini ndanda bilivao kuti mwana anga ari ndandi mboma.

Takapinda muma two weeks and basa rakatanga. Ndairova hangu ma up and down munyika sadelivery man. I’d be driving all day, wosvika kumba kana kubasa munhu wakaneta kunge bhachi repa dub. Still I had energy to talk to the Ms. Ava ndandaona ndavaita Mrs. In the space of a month, sevanhu vaigara same areas and inini semunhu aiva nemapepa saessential worker ndaitoenda kunomuona. She was an essential service kuneni futi. Nyaya dzaiti dzatanga kutsva, ndaitonetsekana kuenda kumba. Iyo one month yakabva yadonha into place semafunnies. Same time basa kupurazi richiwanda. I had kept up with communication quite well and was managing zvine musoro.

Ndakaita loverboy zvemashuwa and I was preparing to ask munhu kuti aite girlfriend zviri official. I had planned kusvitsa shoko on a Thursday, and I was ready. MaChocolate ndandatenga ndakamashafa paseri pechidhinha chepamubhedha so. Kwekutenga maruva ndandatone address. Mari iyi ndandapedzao two weeks ndichibudgeta fuel. Kufamba iri muneutral ndandato mugwara rana “I know my car”, only fueling up when necessary. I’d skip buying lunch whenever I had long distance journeys mari yakakwana. Week rakatobvuma kufambirana neni Monday Tuesday zvakamhanyirana naUsian Bolt. Takati tasvika paWednesday, satan network yakabata. Ndopanotangira sarurongano rwekurambwa naKudi.

The bwu-tut du-yaisi hazi connekited du successfully. Uyu diabros kutanga kukandana zvipanera muhupenyu hwangu. Curfew was still very much in effect, chero netsamba dzangu dzekumunda nekubasa zvaitonetsa kufamba still. Ndaka kandirwa runhare namdara kuzvi 3pm zvichinzi kupurazi kwaita emergency. Ndakatomhanya  kunoendesa mushonga. I got there and we administered the medication kunemombe yanga yarwara. By the time tapedza It was already too late for me to be able to make it home in time.

Zvisinei futi phone yangu yanga isina moto. I had told her I was going to the farm hangu, I didn’t communicate kuti it’s an emergency and handina kumupa possible return date. Bravo 6 vakaenda dark pamasai sai. Early morning I got a call from kumba nematask andaifanira kuita kufarm. I didn’t have data saka whatsapp wise bravo vakaramba vari chipoko. I tried calling her and her phone wasn’t going through. Thursday iya yakatanga nekupeperera kumunda. Friday ndakadzokakubasa. 

Ndikasvikowana pane detembo ndichitsuurwa kuti you didn’t communicate and I was on thin ice. She liked me but she wasn’t playing games neComz. I explained nyaya yangu and it was brushed under the rug. Saturday morning takadzokera kumunda, this time ndandatotaura kuti I’ll be back manheru kumba. Sezvinei murphy’s law took full effect. To cut it short, I was there till Monday morning. I came back kumba to a fuming angel. I had a story but she wasn’t hearing it. Ndakanzi ndipe space. It wasn’t a request. Aitondiudza!

I gave her space, I apologized even. Machocolate eplease be my girlfriend had a new purpose. Please forgive me. But for that to work, she had to agree to see me. You know I then realized the most important lesson in courtship. I had been told but I hadn’t paid attention. The board members in her life didn’t like me already. I wasn’t going to win easily but ndakaramba kudyiwao easily. She left…

Part 3 ichauya after 250 views ndokuudzai kuti zvakafamba sei, munhu haabiwe, anoenda, and she left. If you get this to 350 views ndonyora imwe Loss so. We had too much time muma 2 weeks paye. And ndakaisa stress ball paifanira pane moyo wangu after I lost Kudi.