Life pa College 1 : SO FAR SO GOOD

Life pa College is a series of fictional stories based on different accounts of how people become ‘broken' in society's terms told in different styles. Characters in these stories are fictional. Any similarities of characters and events in this stories to that of real life is purely coincidental.

Life pa College 1 : SO FAR SO GOOD

College... So far so good, it's been nearly two years at university. My name is Chiedza, don't laugh... I'm still a virgin, it's not that I want a white wedding or anything like that. It's just I'm not sure that I can stand someone dumping me after harvesting the sweet fruits of my body.

I've seen it before, my friend Abigail akarasiswa, her meandering curves leaked to the digital public sphere and left as a broken, uncultured and rebellious child to her parents. I don't want that and I've clearly elucidated it to my boyfriend Wayne.

He is adorable, kind, intelligent and very principled. He doesn't drink nor does he find euphoria in inhaling and exhaling nicotine. I have had many sleep overs at his place. The first nights I slept with my eyes opened, pressing my backside against his pacified phallus in hope that it won't be elevated by his male instincts against me. Of course, he always complains about blue balls and everything else.

I have made difficult decisions, I have made peace with myself if he goes out with other girls looking for sexual satisfaction. I won't be blackmailed or held hostage, I don't owe him any conjugal rights. In as far as I'm concerned, with university, so far so good.