Elder Matadzakuguta 3

Elder Matadzakuguta 3

Kungobvisa nyadzi hangu. But neruregerero vanhu vashe nekusakunyorerai. Mentau heuthi and sofothi amana. Phone yakafa and ndikuona screen yepepuru. My phone is in the bottom barrels. Elder Matadzakuguta 3. Welcome back after a haitus of unprecedented proportions. Saka regai titopinde mujugizi renyaya semunhu who had kept you in hunger this long. 

Super Sunday #2 yakasvika. The service was cool. Preaching ended early. But BMT(Black Men's Time) haina kuti tibvume kubuda muchurch nenguva. Hameno dimoni rakangobvuma kumanifesta. Apa unenge wakarohwa nehon'azi apa jah rasta vakuramba kubuda. I don't blame him. Chirungu chekusvondo changa chiri suspect at that time. Wainamatirwa nema, "henceforth go ye out". And semunhu who had a full tank panguva yacho. I needed up get message number two out. This week elder had ear marked mumwe watichati "Nunu".

Nunu was a senior of the youth group. Anga Ari a fine gal but zverudo zvaivepa easy. Takambomugaira magate ku youth but takarambidzwa namama youth advisor. So we had resorted to praying for her week in and week out. Haaa, kana dai anga ari spiritual husband he'd have felt ashamed by now. So 007 and got esthetic when Elder had identified Nunu as an eatable. Takarova spiritual mathematics and had found kuti adultery aside. Elder could maybe drive mweya wekusadiika from Nunu. 

Youth yakasvika pakupera. And as mugochi looks at his meat, you could feel the glare of Matadzakuguta from the back of your skull pierce into medulla yedu so. Seboys rine skiri, we walked Nunu to the gate. Takasvika panguva ye copy and paste. Nyaya dzedu takafambisa. Takarova prayer for forgiveness. But where else could you get a free full tank from linking munhu akuda kuita chihure nemunhu waakuda wacho.

Takarova maThrough ball ndandi. Nunu received the business card without any complaints. Takabva tamirira hedu ma daily devotionals from elder muGroup redu. 
Haaa graft torova kunge Carlos Energy, catch him on twitter @carloschitco

Monday came and went. Devotional yakatosvika, we prayed tiriko kubasa ma blessings ari abundant. We waited for Friday yakatotinonokera kusvika. Kubhuza was the goal. And shooters ndakatopotsa ndakanganwa in hopes to hear stories honest from elder. Friday came, work finished, mukomana picked up 007 and akarova mota to bhuza. We were prepared 
but not prepared enough. 

To be continued 

Elder Matadzakuguta1 

Elder Matadzakuguta2