From Gokwe To Glory 12

Just a university bachelor navigating through college life...

From Gokwe To Glory 12

As usual we start by a short prayer: PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE, Amen. Tapedza ka prayer nhasi toda kungokanda shout out kuna Skilled Rebhara uyo anowanikwa pa Twitter anozikanwa nekutanga the dot brigade. Kana asina kuona message iyi please tag him mongomuudza kuti vechidiki vanofara nezvaakaita. 

With that said Tochitanga hedu Nyaya ya Shaddy weku Gokwe. The year was 2018 and I was a Freshman ini hangu Shaddy mwana wa Vheronika. 2018 yanga yakurwadza hayo, things were becoming really tough for everyone but as they say, where there’s chaos there’s also opportunity. Ndanga ndichangobva hangu kutora driver’s license, ko mongoziva ka skiri yana boys yekuti chakakosha  i drivers license not mota yacho. 

Those days fuel yainetsa kupfuura kutsvaga mhandara yekuroora muna 2022. Vanhu vairara muma queue efuel zvekutoti vamwe vanga vakutowana excuse yekuenda kuma small house. Umwe mdara manje aive Lecturer wangu akazonyepa kuti akunorara mu queue re total iye ane plan yekuenda kuna madam number two kana muchiri kurangirira dzi Lecturer dziya dzekundipisa mu lecture dzandiwana ndakacover book rema notes ne pic remu bby akashama(FROM GOKWE TO GLORY 5) ndidzo idzodzo. 

Tanga takuwirirana nadzo paya saka most of the times taitombomwa doro tese. ‘Ngrrrrr ngrrrrr, ngrrr ngrrrr’ ndidzo wena dzaitofona, ndakadavira paya ndobva dzandiudza kuti ndiuye tonaz kuzorara mu queue nemota yadzo coz dzaive nemarounds adzaida kumborova. Ko kuramba zvazvisingaite kaa, ndiani aibvuma kuramba mari. Ndakabva ndatora bomber Jacket rangu ndobva ndatonanga tonaz. 

“EEE mpfana Shaddy, I need you to wait in queue kuti u fille mota iyi, hanzi petrol ikusvika na 8pm saka manje nepandiri pa line iri ndaona kuti ndogona kuzomwa fuel kuma 12 chaiko, saka iwewe mari ye full tank plus yekuchengeta mota and all your troubles iyi .” Akabva adero achindipa hake maYUWESI dollar. Haaa ndakabva ndatofara paya, kudhen kwandai lodger kwaitobhowa because during those days magetsi aitonetsa futi. Aiwanzouya kuma 1AM obva aenda zvawo na 3AM vanhu vairara ma phone ari pa charger vomuka akazara asi magetsi acho atodzokera Kariba zvawo. 

Ndakabva ndapinda mu Merc iya yainhuwirira. After ndave very very sure kuti mkomana abaya kuma deals ake, ndakabva ndatofonera rimwe baby randanga ndajutirwa Dereck paya. Lucky enough zi truck re fuel rakabva rauya. Confusion ne chaos ikati yatanga hayo vanhu vaingopindira pindira ini ndakangomira pa spot yangu. Pakabva patouya vana officer kuti order ivepo.

Ndakangonzwa konzi nevamwe officer “Handi maramba kumira mu line hooo regai ndikupei example yezvakanakira kuterera, shamwari (to another officer) enda unouya nemunhu uyo  ane black Mercedes iyo ari ku corner uko ndiye achatanga kumwa fuel.” Ndichiona officer vakananga mota ya Sir vangu ndakamborohwa nehana. Zvisineyi officer vaya vakauya nditatovhurirwa road ndobva ndatanga kutomwa zvangu fuel, ndakabva ndaisa additional 5 litres paya. 

Since ndanga ndaita lucky rekukurumidza kuwana fuel ndakabva ndafonera lecturer kuti ndidzosere mota. I called 5 times in a row phone ichingo ringer vasingadavire. Kechi six kacho ndipo pakazodavira shasha, “Wadii shaddy” vakabva vadero zvavo vachitura befu nekufemerera pamosoro zvine chichimbichimbi mukati, kunge munhu akubva kumhanya 100 metres.

Ndakavaudza kuti ndandawana fuel ndobva vati ndiende nemota kudhen kwangu. Mai vangu Vheronika iweeeeeeee aya ndiwo makomborero chaiwo andaigaro namatira. Ndakabva ndatopinda hangu mu ghetto reku Senga pa Gweru apa ndakaisa malights angu zviri dim ndichiridza amapiano. Vasikana mu road vaibva vandidzvokora zviya zvekuti ndaibva ndafara. Ndakati ndichipinda padhen pemusikana uya ainzi Jenny ndakawana akamira nemufes wake kunze kwe gate.

Achiona kuti ndini akabva angoudza mfes wake mashoko mashoma shoma asi pandakaburuka mumota mfes akarova speed achitiza. “Ko akutizei uyo?” ndakabvunza ndichiita noise nema car keys paya. “MMM don’t mind him, anonetsa uyo. Ndamuudza kuti that’s my dad’s car saka abva atya” chakabva chadero chichitarisa mota kunge munhu anenzara achitarisa pizza. “You didn’t tell me kuti une mota kaa Shaddy.”

Akaenderera mberi apa voice ranga rachinja. Pandakangoti mota ndeyangu ndakabva ndatonzi hakuchina kwauchaenda huya ku sleep over, ndakabva ndaratidzwa ma pics ema family members ose including extended family. Ndakabva ndatoitiswa introduction over the phone kuma parents, akabva atovaudza kuti uyu ndiye mukwasha.

She didn’t know me, she didn’t know kuti I was from Gokwe, or that mota haisi yangu, or that the main reason yandandauyira kumba kwake ndeyekuti chikafu chandaive ndatengerwa se grocery reku xul change chapera. How could I try to deny everything imo mudumbu maitorira zvamo nenzara. Ndakabva ndangodya chikafu, ndakabva ndatoita zvekare zviya zvisingabvumidzwe kuti ndizvitaure on this platform zvandinogaro taura kuti I’ll leave your imagination to do the rest.

Kwava kuma 3AM ndakabva ndati regai ndimboenda kuchimbuzi. Mwana akabva atoti handei tese achitya kutizwa, Ndichiti mu corridor pfee ndiye dhuma dhuma na Lecturer vangu vaya vakatopfeka morning gown re pink. “Kkkkkkk aaaa hesi Shaddy, ko ukuitei muno, I thought this was a girl’s hostel. Ko wazo feeler mota yangu full tank here or wadira twu fuel twushoma” akabva adero zvake achito joker. Ndakabuda ziya, hana ikarova, mudumbu mukamonya. 

I pretended everything was ok but aive ma1 chaiwo. Jenny akabva angopererwa, but apana zvaakaita hake. Ndakangopfeka hembe ndobva ndanosiya ma key kuna sir and started walking hangu ndakananga kudhen kuma 3AM thinking how I was going to face a lot of people vaizoudzwa nyaya iyi mu class. Ndanga ndatopinda ma1 ini hangu Shaddy mwana wa Vheronika…. TO BE CONTINUED
Musakangamwe kunyoresa kuvhota imi, plus mongoramba muchi follower pa twitter @tudzaa or munyori @unclejimmy_diva